In addition to the 400 concrete products that NV Van Alen’s Concrete, VABI, is offering through its subsidiaries with their various services and products.

Ready mixed concrete N.V. SUBEMA
NV Surinaamse Betonmortel Maatschappij has been managed by VABI since 2000. For more information about SUBEMA, please refer to the website:

River transport N.V. Skwalla
For transport by pontoons and tug boats as well as smell dredging N.V. Skwalla is the designated company. Its fleet of tugs and pontoons can transport materials as well as equipment for you over water. It is also possible to carry out small dredging works.

Truck transportation N.V. Vatrab
N.V. Vatrab can provide various truck services for you with its fleet of larger and smaller trucks. Semi-trailers, trucks with hydraulic cranes and clamps are at your service.

Chicken cultivation
N.V. Suribreed produceert , als schakel in de voedselproduktieketen, gezonde slachtkippen voor de lokale markt. De productie van de slachtkippen vindt in eigen beheer plaats met behulp van trots lokaal geproduceerd voer.
Telefoonnummer: (+597) 372181

Chicken breeding
N.V. Surihatch heeft haar naam opgebouwd door generaties lang boerderijen te voorzien van sterke,uniforme eendagskuikens met een hoge vitaliteit. Door middel van het inplementeren van nieuwe inzichten, in de broedtechniek, proberen we constant de kwaliteit van ons product te verbeteren.Telefoonnummer: (+597) 372537

Cattle farming N.V. VCM
On the right bank of the Commewijne River, across of Nieuw-Amsterdam N.V. Verenigde Cultuur Maatschapij (VCM) manages its herds of 5,500 cattle on 5,500 hectares of grassland. Old plantations have been revived and been made suitable as grasslands for cattle. Sheep and goat farming, are also part of the activities
Go to the website:

VCM Butchery
For the tastiest meat products, go to the VCM butchery shops, where meat products are prepared in a hygienic way by our specialist butchers . In the modern butchery shops, located at 3 strategic locations in Paramaribo, you can also find all kinds of vegetables and other foodstuff. Our friendly staff is at your service!
Go to the website:

VABI port facility Alibaksweg
The VABI port facility is located at a strategic location in Dijkveld . Here, the various raw materials required for the production and trade activities of VABI are handled. You can contact us for all your port & bunkering services as well as transshipment of bulk goods.